I’m sure all of us were once this pure-hearted kid who loved everyone. But when did we lose trust between one another? 

Yes, trust! Trust in relations, friends, and also strangers. Most of us are surrounded by people who trigger us and also make us doubt our self-esteem. There might be people who have betrayed you. Which causes us to lose trust in our fellow human beings.

Hi, I’m Dharshini an optimist. As a teenager, I feel so distressed by the growing vile acts that are done to hurt someone mentally. By using the word trust I not merely talk about believing but relying on our fellow human beings. The thought of oneness fades away and then there is no trust and love between one another and you start hating each other. This also happens in the reversed order. When we hate someone we develop a lack of trust and love between one another and the thought of oneness fades away.

The thought of oneness starts with a smaller circle that is our family, next the community where we live, and then it goes on.………..

Unless and until a person does something unpleasant to you it is meaningless of showing hatred towards them just because of their complexion, nation, or any other stuff. When most of us hate someone we not only hate that particular person but also the ones who hang around with them.

Do we have to hold on a grudge between one another? Definitely no. I'm not asking for so much but we can show the basic love, respect, and be trustworthy to our fellow human beings. Let's be  this friend who gives a helping hand when needed and let's not ill-treat one another. Although this might take a long time to be put into practice by all of us. We can at least start the process of creating a better generation of humans.

Let’s spread love and get love! ❤


  1. That was Nice dharshu❤

  2. Let's actually do this! #spreadlove ❤ I loved it !💫

  3. Cool truth everyone must be....

  4. Great work Dharshini! It's really a bitter sweet moment for me as I'm so happy that you are thinking about this at such a young age but also bitter since what you're describing is the state of the world today. Any change starts with individuals - so be the trusting friend you want the world to be and let's change the world one trusting friend at a time :)

  5. Wowww grt Dharshini... such a nice msg n very true what you telling... with gentle way you expresses your thought...

  6. Super dharshini keep it up....


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